Occupational Safety Standard
DIN EN ISO 45001 certification offers you the following benefits:
- Health and Safety System
- Continuous improvement
- Identifying and eliminating potential hazards
- Employee Safety Awareness
- Improving employee motivation and skills
The requirements of the ISO 45001 standard are applicable to any enterprise that plans to establish a health management system in order to eliminate or minimize risks to its personnel and all interested parties.
The consequences of work-related injuries and occupational diseases of employees negatively affect the economic activity of the company. To prevent these negative consequences, we recommend that you develop, implement and pass certification in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard.
Since 2007, the British standard BS OHSAS 18001 has become the basis for certification of an internationally recognized occupational health and safety management system. Now this standard has been replaced by other norms: Since March 12, 2018, the new ISO 45001 standard, which was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), has been in force instead. This standard should continue to ensure continuous improvement in international health and safety at work.